The Riddle at the Lake

Diving deeper, she feels the bottom blindly. Rings! Gold! Can’t find them! A troll snickers lakeside, watching the water ring around her as she disappears. Like the others, she’ll end at the bottom. Too focused on the prize to get the riddle. Follow Live by Surprise on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin Live byContinue Reading

Conversation In the Freezer - #Microstory 1

You were in pain for a week? I don’t understand.  The doctor’s office was friendly and efficient.  You could have made an appointment at a moment’s notice.  They say it could have been fixed! It’s too late now.  Your funeral is tomorrow. Image Credit:  morguefiles Follow Live by Surprise on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest and BloglovinContinue Reading

Vegas Baby! - #NaBloPoMo

I smooth my hands down my bedazzled corset, checking my lipstick and snapping my stockings in place. “They’ve started – let’s go!!” Stageside, the crew pin feathers atop my head.  Two boys in assless chaps lift me out to the stage. “Ride’em Cowboys!”   This is my twenty-sixth blog postContinue Reading

Is it a Promise I Can Keep? - #NaBloPoMo 1

Terror strikes. Again. And again. NYC, Beirut, Paris, Nigeria. The list grows. My children ask – why?  I don’t know what to tell them. “We’re safe.  You’re safe.” I don’t know if it’s a promise I can keep. But I have to try. This is my eighteenth entry to NaBloPoMo, NaNoPoblano and YeahWriteMe’s NoMo challenge.Continue Reading