
The prompt on haiku horizons today is “poem”.  It got me to thinking about what makes good poetry. To write a good poem You must express emotion In lyrical form.   Live by SurpriseWant Live By Surprise in your inbox?  Click here to join our mailing list or follow Live by Surprise onContinue Reading

Spring Awakening

Spring rain forms puddles cleansing my battered psyche of winter regrets. Image Credit: Dr Joseph Valks / freedigitalphotos.net Want Live By Surprise in your inbox?  Click here to join our mailing list or follow Live by Surprise on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin for the latest updates! Live by SurpriseWant Live By SurpriseContinue Reading

Priorities - A Sunday Haiku

Balance is easy Children go first to third Dad fourth and Mom last. Image credit: holohololand / freedigitalphotos.net Follow Live by Surprise on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest and Bloglovin Live by SurpriseWant Live By Surprise in your inbox?  Click here to join our mailing list or follow Live by Surprise on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin for the latestContinue Reading