I think everyone has their own little bucket lists of places they’d like to see at some point in their life.
I’ve crossed more than a few off over the years.
I’ve seen the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre in Paris.
I’ve seen the Coliseum in Rome.
I’ve visited Pompeii.
I’ve been to New York City—and spent some time on Broadway. I was married in Central Park.
I’ve seen London. Twice. Tea with the Queen continues to be an elusive goal.
I’ve been to Disney World with my children. And I’ll go back with my youngest—to try and ensure it’s one of his earliest memories.
I’ve had vacations in the Bahamas, Cuba, Mexico.
I climbed the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. Thank goodness—because since the accident that’s one I’m not able to do now. Next time I might venture out for the EdgeWalk though. Even though watching a video of it makes me a little vomity.
Some of my life goals have been met. I’ve traveled the world. I’ve lived, I’ve loved. I’ve eaten. A lot. Some good food, some not so good. I’ve made friends. I’ve made enemies.
[bctt tweet=”I’ve crossed a few items off my #Travel #BucketList. What about you?” username=”LiveBySurprise”]
But there are still places on my travel bucket list.
- Venice. (Before it sinks.)
- The Pyramids in Egypt.
- Spain and/or Portugal. If not one, definitely the other. No specific destination in mind – but it should include a beach.
- Las Vegas. Don’t judge me. I just want to go once. For a weekend. Maybe with my girls for my 40th.
- Tokyo. And I’d like to stay in a pocket hotel for just one night.
- Greece. Ahhh Greece. I’ve traveled your sister country Italy extensively. But I’d love to stay in a villa in Greece. Not a hotel.
- Amsterdam. Just because. (Update…since this post was published, I’ve crossed this one off.)
- California. San Francisco and the Napa Valley. I know – that’s two places – but I can cover them in the same trip.
- New Orleans. The Big Easy. I blame Anne Rice for this one. The vivid imagery in her books…well. Maybe just before or after Mardi Gras (but not during).
- Paradise. I’m not sure exactly where this is – there are so many beautiful places in the world. It’s an island. With a beach. Not a big hotel – little cabins or maybe a sailboat. With air conditioning though.
Sigh. Maybe someday.
You have been to some fabulous places! When you come to California, add Yosemite to your list. 4 hours from San Francisco. Worth it! 🙂
Adding it to the list! Thanks!
So many of the places I want to see can be followed with (before it sinks….)
Haha. Yes!