I have to admit to you guys…I’ve been really busy at work and my blogging is suffering. I did just write a fantastic post, that I’m really hoping one of the bigger sites will pick up – but that will take a few weeks. I didn’t even have a glimmer of a regular Thursday post ready at 2 o’clock on Friday morning when I spied a #BuddyRequest for #AskAwayFriday. A little over 15 hours later, and this is the result!
But first, in case you’ve been living under a rock…let me tell you about…
#AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County and Amber from Bold Fit Mom, as a way to connect with other bloggers with ten questions and ten answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way which is one of the best parts of this online world!
Stacey is a homeschooling Momma and one of my favorite kinds of bloggers – a giant Doctor Who fan! She is an old hat at blogging and link parties (especially #AAF) – and has a lot of fun with food on her blog. You can check out her answers to my questions here.
These are my answers to Stacey’s questions:
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what do you have? If not, would you get one and what do you think you would get?
No. I have plenty of scars, but no tattoos. Given my childhood anxiety related to needles, and Breath Holding Syndrome issues, I don’t think I could. I have thought about it though. I’d love to cover up my scars but for the anxiety. I think I’d get a flower or two with my kids names and birth dates.
You and I seem to share a similar life philosophy, that it is a learning experience. Is this something that you have always believed or is it something that you acquired as part of that learning process?
Side note – I’ve found a lot of divorced people feel that way. Actually – I’ve found more kindred spirits among those who have gone through a difficult divorce and have come to (or are coming to) terms with where their life ended up. You really have two choices after divorce – you can get bitter – or you can get better. I chose better.
My philosophy has certainly developed a great deal since the divorce – but I do believe I’ve always felt that way. I hunger for learning.
What are you most looking forward to doing this summer?
This may sound terrible – but I’m looking forward to two two-week periods where I don’t have to deal with my ex at all.
Spending quality time with the kids, a little R&R, maybe some reading, and a lot of hiking, biking and walking are high on my list too.
What are you reading, right now? Do you have a favorite book or author?
I started MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood last summer and haven’t made it through yet because life keeps interrupting. I love science fiction and Atwood is one of my favorites – I also like Dean Koontz, and I’ve read a lot of Isaac Asimov.
I am a super huge music junkie…what music is topping your tunes list right now?
I love me some P!nk. That girl has style and spunk – she can get me moving.
I know that you will be hitting the big 4-0, do you have any big plans to celebrate the occasion?
Our New York trip was a combined trip to celebrate Hubs birthday, my birthday and our 3rd Anniversary. I’ve still got a lot of things left on my bucket list – and I’ll knock them off hopefully as the year goes on…
As a fellow Whovian…Who is your favorite Doctor? Why? Who is your favorite companion?
As I told Tamara Like Camera in my #AAF with her – I think that growing up with Doctor Who, you pick the one that was “your Doctor” from childhood. Tom Baker will always be my favorite – and I was pleased as punch that he was able to reprise his role.
As to my favorite companion – I love it when the Doctor invites kids on the TARDIS. It was fantastic last season when Courtney joined the Doctor on the moon (although given the rest of the season I thought there was something more sinister planned for her and she was going to turn out to be an alien). I also liked it when little Amy first met Doctor Who. That’s one of my favorite episodes – and the kids love it too.
If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live? Why?
If money were no object, I wouldn’t pick a place. I’d move about learning and growing, staying in one place until I felt like moving on to the next. I love travel – and I’d love to see more of the world than I have.
Where would be your dream vacation spot? With the whole family? With just your honey?
If I could take the kids away this weekend, we’d head out to Orlando and go to Universal Studios or Legoland. We did Disney a few years back – but it’s been ages since I did the other two parks. Bae’s a little too young yet – but we will go in a few years.
As to Hubs, anywhere I go with him can be a vacation – even if it’s just the supermarket. We’ve been to the Netherlands, New York City, a couple of Canadian provinces. Sometime real soon I’d like to go to New Orleans. But we’ve developed a bucket list of sorts – and will start knocking them off as we can.
As a fellow divorcee and now happily married woman…what advice would you give to a friend facing divorce?
It’s not the end of the world. It may feel like it right now – but it’s not. You’ll pick up the pieces, put them back together, and maybe find someone to fill the spaces in between somewhere down the road. In the meantime, I’m here for you – I’ll always be here for you. To listen. To provide advice. To laugh. To cry. I’m not going to tell you it’s going to be easy. But I can promise you that little by little, it will get better.
Don’t forget to head over check out Stacey’s answers to my questions here. You can also follow This Momma’s Ramblings on Twitter, Facebook and Bloglovin’.
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