I was admonished for my first TToT for getting excited and posting too early. Well…who could blame me. I was excited to be part of such a fantastic group – AND I joined just before the 100th. I almost peed my pants as I hit publish.
This is my third TToT and I’m much more mature now. I peed before I started writing.
This week has actually been pretty good over all, and I have a number of things to be thankful for.
- I’ve been patient with the Goblin King and it’s paying dividends. I’ve been waiting and e-mailing only when necessary. There was some idle chatter and threats of a lawyer, but nothing seems to have panned out. In the end, he agreed to almost all the vacation time I’d asked for.
- We’ve rented a cabin in the mountains for the second week of July – over which we’ll celebrate my birthday and Bae’s. My mom and my sister and my niece are going join us.
- I’ve been bugging hubs about what he wanted to his birthday, and he jokingly suggested that since The Book of Mormon is no longer playing near us, maybe we should go to NYC to see it. I had a look at the fundage in the account, and figured out that I could squeeze in flight, hotel and the show – so we’ll be spending a dirty weekend in NYC in two weeks!! Which is fantastic too – because last time we were there with my in-laws, and didn’t so much get to set our own agenda. This time, we’re going to do everything we want (including, hopefully, visiting a Dr. Who steampunk bar and the biggest Weeping Angel on the planet).
- The daycare just lost another staff member in what seems to be a revolving door of staff. This is not good. But I’ve been chewing on it since Bae moved from the baby room to the toddler room, and I think I’m done now. (It’s not good I’m not happy – but I’m thankful I can do something about it). I’ll be having a look at how long notice I have to provide – and looking to get him into another daycare in the next month.
- Work continues to be challenging. I’m just going to say that I’m thankful that I’m employed, paid well and challenged.
- Bae’s still not talking very much – but he’s learning slowly. Tonight in the bath he was singing a song and acting it out. I have no idea what song it was – but it made me smile. I sang the Itsy Bitsy Spider and Little Olly Otter, and he sang his song again, and then we towelled off and got him into bed.
- School is almost out. This year hasn’t been as challenging as past years have for Puck, in part because of his fantastic IEP. I’m still not sure that they’re challenging him enough – but I’ve been working him out a little more at home and we still have the tutor twice a week. I think he’s finally finding his groove.
- Flower on the other hand is blooming. Her reading skills improve daily (and really highlight for me how poorly Puck really was doing without us really understanding). She’s a bright little thing – and I’m working to keep the spark alive.
- I got a Jawbone Up24 for Mother’s Day (before you freak out about horrible gifts…I asked for it). It tracks my steps, my bike rides, my sleep cycles. I have the red one too – it’s stylish and looks like a braclet. I’m not sure why – but it makes me feel a lot more comfortable about my level of activity. And Hubs and I have been competing to see who has more steps at the end of the day – which as been fun.
- ICYMI, I was on Sammiches and Psych Meds last week. The article was very well received (check it out if you haven’t seen it)I was excited to find a new outlet for my blogging – and I’m not going to stop there. I’m going to start submitting pieces to other outlets and see if I can gain some traction. Cross your fingers! And speaking of guest posts – vote for me on A Day in the Life of A Drama Queen’s Momma website for my Poodini piece. Vote using the link at the bottom of the post – you could win a fantastic prize!
And…that’s my TToT for this week. A bonus thing I’m thankful for is this welcoming group of bloggers who have such fantastic attitudes!! Thanks so much guys!!
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