My First #NaBloPoMo Post is a #TToT

It’s officially November and today marks the first day of my very first National Blog Posting Month.  I’m using #NaBloPoMo to see if I have the chops for one extended month of writing, writing and more writing. What better way to start the month and get my creative juices flowing then to do a Ten Things of Thankful post!

  1. I am most thankful this week for my grandmother. I’ve posted regularly about my father’s mother (the subject of the Grandmother Diaries), but rarely post anything of my mother’s mother. Mostly because she’d be mortified to learn that I’d talked about her on (sharp intake of breath) THE INTERNETS.
    We had a bit of a scare this week when Nana had a heart attack.  We’re so lucky for the advanced medical care in this country – she had a few tests, a procedure, and she’s back at home recuperating as I type.  I’m going to pop over and see her today.
  2. I am thrilled that (despite the usual last-minute wrangling), the Goblin King stuck to his word, and even though it was his weekend, he stuck to our agreement and the children spent Hallowe’en with me this year.  We had so much fun last night.
  3. At just over two, Bae’s first real Halloween was a hit!  Once he figured out that people were giving away “guckies” (cookies – his word for candy), he was in like Flint.  He went door to door to door to door.  I was sure that he’d give up after about ten houses.  He did about 20 before he started getting crabby.  He even wanted to keep going!
  4. Despite the fact that some of the surrounding townships had rain last night, it held off here for the first time in a few years.  It was a beautiful, clear night.
  5. It was so much fun scrolling through Facebook this morning. I can’t believe how many of my Facebook friends got into the Halloween spirit and dressed up with their kids!
  6. I’m excited to be starting this new challenge of writing a blog post every day this month. I’ve reached so many of my writing goals this year – I can’t wait to add another one to the list. In addition to my thirty days of blog posts, I’m also aiming to submit one article per week to some new places. It may mean a few rejections – but I am willing to give it my best!
  7. More than a couple of my “invisible friends” – fellow writers who I’ve met through Social Media – are doing #NaBloPoMo and #NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I’m excited to see them following their own dreams.  And so lucky to be part of the process.  A few of their books are featured in the Live By Surprise store.  Click the link above and buy one – I promise you will not be disappointed.
  8. I’ve been featured at several different sites in October.  If you haven’t had the chance, you could pop over to see my posts about Allowance and Paid Maternity Leave at Sammiches and Psych Meds.  I also had a post about spending time with your children after divorce on
  9. A number of my friends are featured in books that will be released in November – including The Science of Parenthood (created by Norine Dworkin-McDaniel & Jessica Ziegler – available now for pre-order at Amazon) and Mothering Through the Darkness – an anthology about Postpartum Depression.
  10. I’m so happy to have food in my belly and a roof over my head and clean water to drink. World Toilet Day is coming this month to make us thankful for our First World Problems. I’m thankful for good friends and a wonderful family and husband. I’m thankful to be happy.

See you all tomorrow! I’ll be writing about my favorite toys!

Happy November!

This is my first blog post for the 2015 #NaBloPoMom, #NaBloPoblano and the Yeah Write Me NoMo Challenge.


  1. I’m glad your Nana is doing better and that you are close enough to go pop in and see her. How nice to be able to spend some fun time with your children. It is nice to meet you here on TToT.

  2. I need to pay more attention when I read–thank you for alerting me to the fact that there is more than one #Na thing. I think I always just glossed over. One of these years I’ll have to try the writing every day in November one. I’ve never had desire to write a novel, though. And now my comment sounds like I have no idea about the internets. 🙂

    1. Author

      Ha! I just discovered there were more #Na things than I was even close to aware of last week. And so far so good – you should definitely jump in next year!

  3. I love the idea of posting a list of things you’re thankful for, I may have to write one as well. Halloween in my area was crazy – there were so many kids cars had to drive about 2 miles an hour to get through. It was awesome!

    1. Author

      I find the thankful lists really help to center me. Reminds me of what’s important. And wow. That’s a lot of kids.

  4. Wonderful thankfuls. You made me laugh about Nana and her horrors about being featured “on the Internets.”
    Halloween was clear and calm here. And so much fun.
    Scarlet used to call cookies “gaku.”

    1. Author

      That’s exactly how it would be said…glad you had a good Halloween. Hope you’re all feeling better!!

  5. Such lovely 10 things to be thankful for and what a great way to start NaBloPoMo! Will see you around 🙂

  6. All the best to you ; and so nice to begin with gratitude… liked your post!

  7. Good luck on the writing month. Congrats on meeting some writing challenges. I am just starting to think about what I should do for my challenges.

  8. Welcome to the TToT! It is, at the risk of a somewhat biased opinion, simply the best bloghop in the ‘sphere! Good luck on the November goals… surely it (November would be Blogosphere Month, if anyone decided Months should be devoted to modern activities… )

    1. Author

      November should be blogosphere month! What a wonderful idea! And I lurve TToT. It’s the best!

  9. I’m thankful for you. Thank YOU for being part of our blog tour to promote Science of Parenthood: Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling Parenting Situations. Were it not for wonderful blogger friends like you, we would be whistling (or snarking) in the wind. Thank you!

    1. Author

      It’s symbiotic. Your fantastic creation is not only worth a read, it’s worth writing about! Thank you!

  10. What a brilliant way to begin, and what a wonderful list of Thankfuls 🙂 I especially like that you had such a fun Halloween. Remind me to message you about a thing, if I don’t remember and do it already by the time you read this 😉

  11. What a great way to start off the month, with a “list of thankfuls”. I know I write about getting organized as the key to success in these writing marathons, and it is important, but fun is also key. Keep on having it!

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