Sunday Confession: I'm Giving All I Can - Is It Enough?

The good thing about Sunday Confessions—it gives me an opportunity to reflect on what’s been going on and how to improve myself. I’m a firm believer in looking back. Just looking mind you. Don’t get stuck there. Have a look – see what’s working, what’s not. Be able to absorb that information and move on to a better you.

I feel like I’m always giving. There’s only so much of me to go around. I have a full-time job, three children, a husband, a dog, a house, a car—all things that compete for my attention. I have to remember though—this vessel that I call “me”. Sometimes it gets lost in the shuffle. Some days I barely even have time to catch my breath.
Some days, I wonder – is it enough? Am I enough?

I have to slow—and remember. Even just the little things.

Daylight savings time. Hubs changed ALL the clocks. All of them. Including the one in the car. Without being asked.

Yesterday, my daughter cleared the table. On her own.

This morning, my son took the dog for a walk without being asked.

My children are being responsible for themselves. They’re not taking. They’re giving. We’re all giving.

And then I realize—I am enough. And so are they.

Image credit: radnatt /


  1. I can’t imagine having to be responsible for all that you are! It seems like a million years ago that I was responsible for so much and when I think about it I need a nap lol! You do a lovely job of it my dear!

  2. “I’m a firm believer in looking back. Just looking mind you. Don’t get stuck there.” I love this! Such a good reminder. I have definitely gotten stuck there before…

    1. Author

      I’m also guilty. I need to remind myself every once in a while. Thanks for popping in Janelle!

  3. Yes, amazing! I see Scarlet taking care of herself sometimes.. and even of me.. and it’s a beautiful glimpse.

    1. Author

      She’s such an old soul. (I haven’t actually met her of course, but I feel like I know her).

  4. You are one of the most giving bloggers/writers I know. Thank you!

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