A Riddle Solved

Her hands reached. No ring.

Pause…eyes closed. Think!

Yes! Her eyes opened wide and she pushed several meters back to the surface.

“Water rings!” she shouted, treading.

The Troll frowned as the lake magically drained.

“Next one is harder…” he seethed.

Image Credit:  Victor Habbick / freedigitalphotos.net

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  1. Ha! I love that you answered your riddle. You can link without adding words – just hyperlink a couple of words in your story back to the first piece.

  2. Troll thinks he’s so clever with his riddles. I’m glad she knocked him down a peg.

  3. I love that seething troll. And the solving of riddles. 🙂

  4. I really like the continuation of your troll tale. Nicely done! I can’t wait for the next riddle.

  5. Damn trolls and their riddles! Something aught to be done about such things! Love the continuation of your previous story!!!

    1. Author

      It needed to be done. And, quite frankly, I knew she was strong enough of a character to beat this one. I’m happy she figured it out. Hopefully the next one is challenging…but solvable. Thanks for reading!

  6. Looks like I have some work to do! I didn’t see the previous piece…looks like I’m going swimming through your posts! LOL

    And rule follower…Just one more in our parallels… Are you sure we’re not long lost sisters?! <3

    1. Author

      If not biologically than certainly in spirit Annah. 😉 If you click the microstory tag at the top of the post it should pull it up.

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