How to Deal with a Toxic Ex

Although I work hard to manage my relationship with my ex – it’s made more difficult when he talks smack about me to anyone who will listen – including my children. I know it’s never going to change – me I’ve developed some strategies to deal with it.

See my article today over at The Good Men Project for some advice on how to deal with an ex who besmirches your good name.

Image Credit:  Canva Pro

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  1. Can’t agree more with you on this Liv.
    When I realised that every word I said was twisted, I decided not to jump into a new debate every time we meet or talk. I feel well and I know that for my child, it’s much better. We can’t get on but it has nothing to do with him or his relationship with his dad.
    Thanks for raising the topic.

    1. Author

      Exactly. It takes a lot of work sometimes – but I try my hardest to allow them to have that relationship.

  2. I just don’t deal with the man PERIOD and we are both better off this way. Are kids are grown and I have no need to talk to him. I ask about him just to be polite. Other than that we have not crossed paths in more than 4 years. Kids get it and they are happy that we are not down each other’s throat.. lol.

  3. We must be soul mates LOL I’m finishing up a good proper rant on my narcissist ex :).

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