The Cucumber has Left the Salad

Today, I thought maybe a little laugh. The haiku horizons prompt is “fly”.

Discrete hand gesture.
Eyes twitch, silently pleading –

What’s your favorite way to discretely tell someone that their barn door is open and the horse is escaping?

Image Credit: hin255 /

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  1. I always make some stupid joke. My husband does this pretty often. Why do I always notice? Ha.

    I say something like: “Honey, let me know how everyone at works feels about your wiener today , OK?”

    I also came here for a salad recipe. I was most pleasantly surprised 🙂

    1. Author

      Sorry you missed out on the salad recipe – but that’s the best thing I’ve read today. I’m going to use that the next time Hubs heads into work.

  2. nice one ! I ponder a lot , is it the fault of the barn door being open or is the horse always trying to escpe ¿

      1. Maybe , the horse is hungry as there is only dried straw in the barn , and behold the grass is so green on the other side of the fence ! 😉

  3. I guess the eye gesture would be the best option…
    Awesome Haiku 🙂

  4. Ha! I don’t have a funny way. I always feel as embarrassed as them. But, you have to tell them.

  5. Haha never heard that one. I clicked on the link thinking this was going to be a salad recipe. This is hilarious I might say “The snake is out of the cage”

  6. We use to say as kids XYZ PDQ which means examine your zipper, pretty darn quick. Lol

  7. I’ve heard people use the XYZ (examine your zipper) but I’m don’t want to be misunderstood when it comes to this. I tell people straight out, but softly.

  8. For some reason, I do this ALL THE TIME. I’m not normally that forgetful about things, but I always seem to leave my fly down… I almost always appreciate being told!

    1. Author

      I try not to wear pants with zippers. And I’m even more dreadful at remembering when I have a belt.

  9. *snorks* I have NO idea. When it used to happen to Husby (more often than you’d care to imagine) I’d usually just tell him, if it was just the two of us. I’d forgotten he was so rubbish at remembering to zip up…

  10. That’s a good question. I guess the eye gesture would be my pick too!

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