Lonely at the Top

My fictional response to this weeks’ YeahWriteMe prompt “What’s at the top?” had me imagining what it would be like to have “made it”.

My eight-figure salary, palatial penthouse on Park Avenue and this exquisite view of the New York City skyline are all a result of my grit and determination.

One thing my mentor taught me: always send the elevator back down from the top.

Image Credit: Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee / freedigitalphotos.net

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  1. Thanks for sharing your “view” and beautiful manifested dreams. Love it!

  2. I dream often of “making it”. In my dream, I always go back to the place I left and scoop up the people who deserve it, and I take them with me. I also already dream of the bloggers I would take with me if my blog took off. I will totally send the elevator back down.

    1. Author

      Right? You always think about the people who helped you along – and others like you who deserve a chance.

      1. Are you eligible for a Liebster Award? Are you interested in one? I would love to nominate you if so. I just got one yesterday and have to nominate 11 newer blogs that I think deserve recognition. If you’re not familiar with it, look it up and let me know. You would also have to nominate between 5-11 fellow bloggers (blogs less than 2 years old).

        1. Author

          Thanks for thinking about me – I got two Liebsters when I first started. I have too many followers now…but let me know when your post is up and I’ll blast it for you?

          1. Thanks, and congrats!! Funny how that hit me at first. I have too many followers. How can you have too many followers? OH, OH, I GET IT 🙂

          2. Author

            Haha. I don’t have too many followers…I can never have enough of those. I have to many for the Liebster.

  3. The more I think about this the more I love it. Perfect dichotomy with multiple layers. I’m new to Yeah Write as of this week and am finding inspiration in these posts.

  4. Interesting contrast: the narrator emphasizes that it was her grit that got her to the top, yet she shares the mentor’s advice about helping others to achieve goals.

    1. Author

      A good mentor can help to channel you in the right direction – but you have to do the work yourself.

  5. Love your mentor’s advice!! Such a great reminder when you feel like you’ve finally made it. I hope to have that in mind when I finally have my own “eight-figure salary, palatial penthouse on Park Avenue and an exquisite view of the New York City skyline” =] =] =]

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