I'm Lucky: My Friends are Inspirational Women Authors

I bought a new notebook today. I’m usually very comfortable typing when I write, but I got a nostalgic yearning to put pen to paper. I don’t know if it’s just a summer mood – but I really needed to feel the nib of my pen digging into a virgin sheet of paper. It’s quite remarkable really – what was once a blank piece of paper now holds some of the thoughts in my head. They’re usually stuck up there, although they do occasionally run right out of my mouth.

I have several friends now who are well “ahead” of me in the writing game. Really – I’m lucky to know a number of very inspirational women authors who are in various stages of the writing process.

Elly Lonon is shopping her first book – A cancer memoir. I’ve been privileged to read a snippet and if you follow me on social media, you’ve likely seen some of her work as I’m one of her biggest fans. This new book is going to rock the world. I’m so proud to know her.

Beth Teliho – who I haven’t actually laid eyes (or hands) on outside of the virtual world- is writing her second book. I confirmed the first (Order of Seven) so quickly (or maybe it consumed me) – but it left me wanting to read more. I’m anxious to read this latest tome. She’s advised that she’s head down right now, keeping out of the distractions of social media and staying in the “now” so she can focus on her goal.

My favorite (who I have laid eyes and hands on – and not in a biblical way), is Foxy Kathryn Leehane. She’s brilliant and funny and charming and I wish I could have just tucked her into my suitcase and kept her in my attic. But she probably wouldn’t be able to write the fantastic book she’s working on right now if I had…so it’s all working out.I also have several friends who have passed the actual writing stage and published a very real book of their own.

Kristen Mae released her novel Beyond the Break last month, and I’ve heard tale that it’s already breaking records. I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, but I’m told it’s very steamy. I’m saving it for summer vacation by the pool (so I can cool down if it heats me up).

And Meg Sanity (who does go by her real name now that she’s a published author – but who I’ll never be able to call “Meghan”) – she’s written a psychological thriller that I’m also anxious to rip into. I’m told that Famished is very hard to put down once you’ve started. Once school is done it’s top of my list (I still have to write my final exam).

There’s also a new People I Want to Punch in the Throat anthology. Jen Mann has curated an incredibly talented group of writers for I Just Want to Be Perfect. The essays within look at the cult of perfection we’ve created – and howย hot mess mom’s are trying to strive to achieve it. In the book you’ll find essays from Deva Delporto (mylifesuckers), Kim Bongiorno, Lola Lolita (from Sammiches and Psych Meds), Allison Herzig (The Shitastrophy), Nicole Leigh Shaw, Jennifer Lizza (Outsmarted Mommy), and Jessica Azar (Herd Management). And yes – I’ve met a number of these ladies in the flesh (how lucky am I?)

And I mustn’t forget Zelda Sydney (Illustrated Wine), who has illustrated the Wine World Colouring Book (she’s Canadian if you’re wondering about the extra “u”). I got a copy of the book a couple of months ago, and then my life exploded. I haven’t actually had a chance to color in it – but as I flipped through, I was inspired by the beautiful illustrations. This is another book I’ll be taking it with me on vacation. It will be nice to sit out on the deck with a glass of wine and color with the kids.

In short – my friends, both real and invisible, have been doing amazing things and have inspired me so much. I’m so proud of all of them and I’m going to continue to try and lift them up! ย As I do so – they’re inspiring me to reach out to my own dreams. Which…as I’m looking at them…may eventually include penning my own book.

What about you? What are your dreams? Who inspires you?

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  1. What a great list. I’m a notebook girl too. I was recently introduced to a system called bullet journal and it fits my style of scribbling perfectly.

  2. I love this line:

    “what was once a blank piece of paper now holds some of the thoughts in my head.”

    I’m the same. It’s so theraputic to just grab a notebook and a pen, and to start writing. it uses a whole different part of my brain to write longhand than to type on a computer. seeing the words flow across the page makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something, even if ti’s just writing down some notes about a book I liked. And then when I go back later, there’s other signals in my penmanship about maybe what I was feeling while I was writing – is my penmanship sloppy because i needed to get the thoughts down super quick before I forgot? are the letters tiny because I was really concentrating? Penmanship is it’s own non-verbal language, and it’s really cool. I also use a typewriter, and that takes an even different part of my brain!

    1. Author

      I have a couple of very old typewriters in my basement – and you’re right – there’s something special about writing with those as well!

  3. Yes, write a book. It’s a gift, that writing ablility you have, one that makes many people happy.

  4. Love this list! I’m in need of some new summertime reading and would love to find some new authors to have a writing crush on.

  5. Liv,

    I’m also inspired by new notebooks, virgin paper, and pens, especially the ones that just sort of glide across the page. Words fill me to bursting with inspiration, so I love authors who are heeding their call. And I love it when I actually take the time to read, so thanks for these additions to queue.

    I’m inspired by all those souls who embrace courage and creativity (which combined equals moxie.) and those who muddle along trying to unearth who they are beneath the surface.

    I’m inspired by hugs and smiles and friendships, be they IRL or through the WWW.

    I’m inspired by you, Liv, and I look forward to the day when I can lay hands and eyes on you, but as you say, “not in the biblical sense.”

    Thank you, Liv, for always bringing a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.

    With love and admiration,

    1. Author

      Oh Annah. You’re on my list too – of women who inspire others to just be wonderful. And yes – some day we WILL meet!

  6. I loved Order of Seven. Thanks for some additional items for my summer reading list.

  7. Awesome post, Liv. It’s so nice to recognize the women who inspire us. I recognize some of these writers but not all. I certainly will check out their books. I’ve read Beth’s Order Of Seven and thoroughly enjoyed it! You are also very inspiring, Liv. You are prolific and I look forward to hearing more about your future book in the works. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Several of them are my Facebook friends. So I suppose I have talented friends too! Great way to highlight raw talent!

  9. Ohhh this is so sweet! I love that you’re taking time to promote such wonderful women and their amazing books.

    My dreams are small. I’m beginning to think I’m not ‘novellist’ material, but maybe that’s okay. I don’t have the stickability. Or capability. Perhaps I might put together a poetry book some time in future but I doubt it will break any records.

    I’m excited for YOU though! Very cool that you’re beginning to draw the threads together and start creating.

    As for my sources of inspiration…I think it’s the people who are trying their darndest to embetter the world, which (lucky for me) makes it scores and scores of the people I know and cherish ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

    1. Author

      Oooooo! A poetry book. You’d be amazing at that!! Can’t wait to add your name to my list. Get on that lady!

  10. Whoot.
    I don’t know what I’m doing half of the time. Really. And then I see these women actually writing real things and I’m like whoooooaaaaaa, I should be doing these things. And then I kind of start and then I eat a donut instead because writing is hard.
    Eating is easier.

  11. *fans self* That’s the best list I’ve been on ever. EVER.

    I’m inspired by YOU. And Andra Watkins. And Samara. And art – especially repurposed art. I love when someone takes something ugly or broken and turns it into something beautiful and strong. Then again, I like the same kind of writers.

    1. Author

      Face palm. Andra isn’t on my list. And I just finished her book too. Although…I haven’t actually met her yet. So I’ll have to do a post after I meet her and we’re best friends.

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