As I’m still on vacation, I thought I’d just put a bit of a ramble on here today. I’ve been very much enjoying my holiday with the kids. We spent a week in Mont Tremblant, Quebec (post on UrbanMommies coming soon) with my father-in-law. It was just lovely. After that, we’ve kind of just been taking it day-by-day. A few day trips here and there—but a lot of sleeping in and eating good food.
[tweetthis]A few day trips here and there—but a lot of sleeping in and eating good food. #vacation[/tweetthis]
As I was leaving work for my vacation, my old boss was returning after an extended leave…and I wasn’t quite sure about it. Her first day back was the day my vacation started—so I’ll plan on figuring that all out when I get back. I’m still disenchanted with my work situation. And I’m still mulling over how to get out of it. It’s difficult because I’ve got a really good paying job, with great benefits. If it was more engaging, I could be happy there. I can certainly see myself not working there any more—the main problem is I’d need to replace my income. And while I’ve started to look at how to make that happen, my initial findings suggest that it will take years to build back up to my current income. And a lot of work.
I’m not averse to hard work—don’t get me wrong. I’ve been happily working away even while on vacation. RealityMoms is taking up increasing amounts of my time—and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve also recently joined and started taking some of their online courses (more on that in a later post). I’ve not been on Live by Surprise too much—but I have been writing a lot. It’s been nice to take some time away from it all to take some time and figure it all out. I have to start taking some concrete steps if I want to make this dream a reality.
Tell me what you all have been up to! Have you had some time on vacation? Have you been working the whole time? Dish!
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Yay for your vacay! I relate to the regular job that isn’t fulfilling…I, too, am struggling, but one of the things I’m working hard on is trying to choose gratitude for those things I am happy with and to change my thinking. It’s not easy and I’ve got a ways to go, but it sure has helped make getting up and going to work a little less stressful. I’m hoping that when I start back of in a few weeks I can carry that attitude forward into the coming year! Keep your fingers crossed for me! lol
And if you and Lizzie have room for another fellow writer, I’m all for joining it, too! <3
I’m just so excited by the things that have been going on outside of your worklife Annah. You’re getting closer to making your dreams happen and it’s amazing.
Sister, I am right there with you. I would love to replace this job, but I seriously have no idea how. I’m working more on making my peace with it and continuing to write outside of work and find my happy place there. xoxoxoxox
When you write your book you’ll be rich and famous and be able to tell them where to stuff their job.
It’s never easy to start over, especially at work.
Enjoy your holiday! My next one will be my yearly sanity retreat in September.
An annual sanity retreat! That sounds divine!
Here’s hoping your vacation gives you some rest, relaxation, and some clarity. Vacations are always good for that!
It was wonderful! (It’s over tomorrow…but I’m going back to work very relaxed).
My vacation is coming up, so working. Lots of working. So that I can not work for nine days!
And boy, does your vacation sound dreamy.
I’m excited for YOUR vacation!! You and Cassidy are going to have such a great time!! I hope you won’t disappear entirely – will be following vicariously if you’re on social media!
Just working. Working, working, working, and saving my hols for November.
All worth it for the vacation. I think I’m looking forward to it as much as you are. It’s fun to see you with all our friends.
I want it to bloomin’ hurry up so’s somehow WE can meet!