Hoping for Spring Growth

As September approaches and the fall is getting closer and closer, I think more and more about the coming winter. I always find it a difficult time to prepare—I don’t suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but I just don’t like the cold. Instead of dreading the winter though, I should look at it as a time of renewal that leads into spring.

[tweetthis]Instead of dreading the winter, I should look at it as a time of renewal that leads into spring.[/tweetthis]

A Haiku (the traditional Japanese poetry) is supposed to contain a reference to a specific season and to focus on nature. The prompt on Haiku Horizons today is “climb”. So to assuage my concerns about the coming fall, I decided to write about hope for spring, which really should be my focus right now.

Hoping for spring growth
Preparing for late fall frost
She cut the vine shoot

She cut the vine shoot
In a water glass it goes
East facing window

East facing window
Growing stronger roots to climb
Hoping for spring growth.

Do you start thinking about the winter as the summer starts to wind down?


  1. Yes. It’s weird. August somehow seems like a warp zone into Christmas, doesn’t it? There is an occasional chill in the air. And fall is so glorious here that I should focus only on it!

    1. Author

      It seems to go so quickly after September starts. Although there is Halloween in the middle – I do look forward to that!

  2. Oh gosh I cannot even THINK about winter yet! No no no… I”m still holding onto summer with all my might!

    I know it’s only a moment’s time away though…

    Fall is such a beautiful season, I DO look forward to that. It always erupts strong emotions in me- there is a deep sense of longing when the colors change and fade and life starts to slow down. I have a deep sense about things and find myself feeling both vulnerable and stirred during those months. Then winter hits, and the inner turmoil begins to die down into a quiet slumber. There’s a certain numbness that comes with that season. A bit of emptiness too.

    1. Author

      I’d much rather have an ongoing summer. The snow gets into my bones now. And you’re right…vulnerable is the word.

  3. Very sweet Haiku! I do not think of winter YET 🙂 I start with autumn, which I quite enjoy. It is a nice transition here. When I lived on the Prairies though (Alberta) I would dread the long winter and begin my depression around October. Luckily here on the West Coast winter isn’t as harsh. Grey and rainy but not so cold. We are having amazing weather right now, so I’m trying to truly live in the moment and soak it all up!

    1. Author

      I had a friend who lived in Alberta prior to moving to BC. She said much the same – the winters are quite harsh there. But yes, I’ve visited BC a few times, and always said I’d move there if I could.

  4. We just look forward to our two days (or so) of fall. In south Louisiana, we only have two seasons, wet and hurricane.

    1. Author

      Oh my – you weren’t hit by the recent floods were you? I hope you and your family are safe.

  5. If you’re asking if I dread the winter as the summer winds down, then yes. Yes I do.

  6. I find the onset of winter increasingly hard to manage. Lovely poem though.

  7. Love the haikus (I am partial to them, ya know!). And yes, living in Maine, it’s hard to NOT think about winter as summer days grow shorter and nights cooler. And I’ll likely be remembering the hot, muggy days we had in August with longing about February…

    1. Author

      LOL – I did know. You’re the haiku queen!

      And yes…I find myself longing for summer even in October.

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