I Need to Write More

My brain is suffering. Do you ever feel like you’re not being creative enough? Like you need to do whatever you do best more? I LOVE to write, but lately it’s felt really forced.

In part, I think it’s because I’ve been really busy. I’ve been devoting a lot of time to work and to RealityMoms (which is great!), but I feel like I need to get writing. I was hoping that the writing course I started in September would get me out of my rut, but it just…didn’t.

As November is approaching, I’ve been toying with the idea of jumping back into NaBloPoMo and posting once a day for the entire month. I suspect that it will mean that I’m not always writing my best—but I also hope that it will grease the wheels. I want to write more.

[tweetthis]I need to write more. I WANT to write more. #NaBloPoMo #AreYouReady?[/tweetthis]

I’d love to get to the point where I can jump into November and NaNoWriMo, but I’m just not there with my writing yet. Some day, I really do hope to write a book though. I just need to figure out a subject.

I’m a planner though. I’m not taking the task lightly. I’ve created a blog prompt schedule for myself with two prompts for every day. I’m planning on trying to get a few posts into the queue before next Tuesday and starting strong.

I’ve got a few friends who regularly participate in either NaNo or NaBlo—are you one of them? Would you be interested in joining me this November? I’m more than willing to share my prompt schedule with anyone—leave a comment below or contact me on social media by next Monday if you’re in.

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  1. Hi,

    I found you through the #NaBoPoMo hashtag on Twitter, and am planning on participating this year too. Good luck to all of us!

  2. I am in the same boat. I’d love to do it with you, but this month I have my surgery AND I’m moving AGAIN! I haven’t written anything decent in months!

    1. Author

      You’ve been very busy Rena, I’m surprised you have time to do everything you already do. Good luck with both the surgery and the move!

  3. If it brings you joy, do it! I, too, want to write more often in creative ways, but right now I am doing so many other forms of writing for my work… I’ve been working hard to realize that I am writing and, as such, am keeping those skills honed, even if it is remembering how to Cut! Cut! Cut! so my social media posts meet Twitter standards. 😉

    Good luck to you! Maybe you’ll inspire me to jump in for a day or two! Look forward to reading what you put out!

  4. Hi Liv,
    Do it!!! <3 I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll be writing, and I wish I could commit to writing every day. My commitment has been at least once a week, and I've failed three times in that endeavor since starting up my blog (at least I think it's only been three…)

    I feel you, though, I also want to write more, and have been experience blocks with work deadlines as well… <3

    1. Author

      Blocks I think have been my biggest issue of late. I’m finding that keeping the prompts and having a schedule is really helping me. I think when I go back to my regular programming, I’m going to keep a prompt schedule to keep me on track.

  5. Hi Liv, I haven’t ever participated in the writing a blog per day, challenge. I’m afraid I will fail. I just don’t have the time or the dedication to come up with a post everyday. Writing is definitely a great outlet for creative thoughts and anger—LOL. Good luck. I think it’s great that you’re going to give it a shot! You’ll do great.

    1. Author

      Thanks Lisa! This is my second time through – and I’ve got a little more on my plate this time, but I’m determined to get it done.

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