I’ve found over the past several years of blogging that there are a number of women online who speak about their divorces without hesitation. Some of them had a real bad time, and writing about it is their therapy. Some share their experiences in the hopes that they can help others. But they all have one thing in common: they are all very intelligent, wise, and funny women who have taken a bad situation and tried very hard to make the best of it.
[tweetthis]My #FavoriteDivorceBloggers have taken a bad situation and tried to make the best of it. [/tweetthis]
I’m sharing today some of my favorite divorce bloggers. All of these women are contributors to DivorcedMoms.com—a wonderful resource for women contemplating, in the midst of, or even post-divorce. I wish that I’d taken the time to look for these resources several years back—the site might have helped me to salve my wounds and ready myself for battle. I’m still happy that I have them now—in the midst of my post-divorce, co-parenting issues. The ability these women have to overcome their own post-divorce issues continues to serve as my daily inspiration.
Lessons from the End of a Marriage
Website: http://lessonsfromtheendofamarriage.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stilllearning2b
Lisa Arends is one of the few divorced women bloggers that I’ve come across who isn’t using a pseudonym. I suspect it’s in part because she doesn’t have any children with her ex and doesn’t have to worry about that becoming messy. Her website (and book) are Lessons from the End of a Marriage.
I find that Lisa’s posts reflect a wisdom that is far beyond her years—possibly because she was forced to learn lessons that no one should ever have to learn—particularly at such a young age.
Lisa’s husband left her after a sixteen-year relationship in 2009. The only clue to his departure was a cowardly text, while she was on vacation with her parents. She returned home to find her bank accounts emptied, credit maxed out, and found out later that her ex had remarried six days after the infamous text—without having even initialized a divorce proceeding. He was arrested for bigamy and has since disappeared off the face of the earth—choosing not to participate in the divorce proceedings.
I admire Lisa’s strength – even when she didn’t think she had any. She refused to dwell on the past and focuses instead on thriving! Her writing is very raw and emotional and always has a lesson. Reading her blogs from the beginning, you can witness her journey to wellness, and watch as before your very eyes, she heals herself. Lisa’s experience is proof that it’s possible not only to survive divorce but to thrive after it.
Lisa has been featured on the Huffington Post and has also recently released her first book Lessons From the End of a Marriage: How I Found Happiness While Surviving Bigamy, Abandonment, and Deceit, available on Amazon Kindle.
Since My Divorce
Website: http://sincemydivorce.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sincemydivorce
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SinceMyDivorce/
Mandy Walker has bravely used her divorce experiences to help other women. She interviews divorced women about their experiences and shares what helped them (and what didn’t) on her blog, Since My Divorce.
The posts at Since My Divorce cover all the important topics about divorce recovery, but the main focus of the blog is self-care after divorce. Mandy seeks to help the newly divorced work on themselves and find new meaning in their post-divorce lives.
Mandy is also a co-founder and faculty member at DivorcedMom’s Divorce School – an online resource for the newly divorced and offers mediation and coaching services.
This Life in Progress
Website: http://www.thislifeinprogress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lifeinprogress8/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thislifeinprogress/
Kate Chapman also blogs about her life after divorce. Kate remarried and has a Brady Bunch style blended family of eight with her new husband Gabe. With their three children each (three boys and three girls), they’ve gone through the trials and tribulations of “blending” a large family and share the ins and outs of step-parenthood.
Kate’s divorce is one of the “ideal” divorces—she and her ex-husband get along pretty well, and have been able to continue to have a fairly good relationship since their divorce and subsequent remarriages. I really enjoy Kate’s easy way of writing about her life. It feels some days like we’re just chatting over a glass of wine.
These are just three of my favorites – you can read about more of them at DivorcedMoms.com.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link I may receive compensation.
I love the blogs. It is appreciating that they worked hard to move on and successfully achieved that.
I love when women are able to make purpose out of their pain. These divorce bloggers all sounds amazing. I’m so glad there are women (like you) who passionately step up and share and guide and encourage other women who have to endure such a hard road.