Inspiring Others to Write: A Life's Passion

An amazing part of starting writing here on Live by Surprise is that I’ve met a ton of other people (mostly women) who LOVE to write too. And every year as it approaches #NaBloPoMo, I encourage everyone I know to join the challenge, jump in and start writing regularly. I know that writing every day can get tedious (and boring), but it can also help to get your creative juices moving. I’ve always found #NaBloPoMo to be a great way to re-spark my interest in writing.

I’m happy to see that this year I’ve had a number of writing friends take me up on it too! You should check them all out:

They’re all amazing. And I’ve even hugged one of them in real life. And I’m hoping that I can send them all the love and support I can for the entire month of November. Because I’ve been in a rut. I need to keep writing. Because I LOVE writing and I’m not doing enough of it.

I should also mention, although I can’t post a link here, my younger sister has started her own blog and I’m super proud of her! It’s a little hard for me to step back and let her do her thing because I want to tell her all the things about blogging, but I am. Fully stepped back. And reading and enjoying everything she’s writing. It’s funny though because I always thought that I got my writing talent solely from my father. But I’m guessing there must be a maternal gene in there somewhere. Because she’s got an amazing voice. I really hope that she sticks with it. Because when she starts asking I’m going to be telling her all the things.

Be ready for some great things. Because I’m going to be here almost every day (I also plan on some writing and submitting…so if I miss a day here, hopefully that’s why). Wish me luck!!


  1. AHHHH!! You are doing IT. Awesome fantastic EXCELLENT!!

    And why can’t you share your sister’s link? I’m dying to read her! Well, I hope soon enough you will maybe have her here for a guest blog. And she is missing out on ALLTHETHINGS you can teach her, but I understand letting her ride her own ride, until she wants some help/guidance from an expert like yourself. 🙂

    Good luck this month! You are amazing.

    And well, you’re my favorite. XOXO

    1. Author

      She’s not anonymous. And actually used my real name in her last post. Otherwise I totally would.

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