Coparenting: Splitting Expenses without Losing Your Mind

When our divorce decree allowed for splitting expenses for our children in half, I thought it would be easy. All things being equal, with two kids, half means I pay for one kid and he pays for the other, right? [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#coparenting”]With 2 kids, half means I pay for 1Continue Reading

Easter Penance

Happy Zombie Chesus Day! (Sorry if this offends you – I am a lapsed Catholic and have the utmost respect for whatever beliefs you may or may not have – but would point out that the dude rose from the dead according to the story…so…zombie). Anyhoo…the last few days haveContinue Reading

Nonsense from the Goblin King - #NaBloPoMo

The Goblin King (my ex) is escalating again.  Our agreement with the mediator was that we’d send one e-mail per exchange, detailing any pertinent information regarding the children.  Yesterday, I received three. The third one could have easily been dealt with, but it’s now gotten into the area of bizarre.Continue Reading