Coparenting: Splitting Expenses without Losing Your Mind

When our divorce decree allowed for splitting expenses for our children in half, I thought it would be easy. All things being equal, with two kids, half means I pay for one kid and he pays for the other, right? [tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#coparenting”]With 2 kids, half means I pay for 1Continue Reading

Open Letter to the Montessori Teacher Who Asked What To Tell the Other Kids When My Special Needs Kid Gets A “Free Pass”

I’m still gob-smacked that you asked the question really. At a meeting with my son’s team, you, his teacher, bluntly asked what you should tell the other children when my son wasn’t required to learn at the same level as them. I simmered and let our resource consultant take theContinue Reading

The Year 2016 - In the Rearview

Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. You might recall that last year, I “borrowed” a tradition from my friend Tamara Bowman at Tamara Like Camera, and answered a series of questions about my 2015. Well…I’m going to keep it going, and have even added a few questions on this year.Continue Reading