The City in my Mind 1

Those of you who watch Sherlock might be familiar with the term “Mind Palace”. It’s actually an ancient concept, attributed to the Greek poet Simonides of Ceos. According to myth, Simonides went to a banquet, and as he stepped outside to do some business, the hall collapsed behind him. HisContinue Reading

To Feel Happiness, Set Your Heart on Doing Good #1000Speak

Today is International Day of Happiness (Happy International Happiness Day everyone!) It’s also #1000Speak Day for March.  The theme this month is happiness. I have a much better understanding of “happiness” now than I ever have.  In part, I think, because I’ve experienced unhappiness in my life.  And it’s easierContinue Reading

Support A Writer! - #NaBloPoMo

I’m jumping up and down – because I DID IT!  I have posted every day for the last 30 days and I am officially finishing my first National Blog Posting Month (#NaBloPoMo) with this post! It’s been a long haul as I talked about in Saturday’s post – but itContinue Reading

Money Well Spent - #NaBloPoMo

Today’s Blogher prompt, in honor of Black Friday, is: What’s the best purchase you’ve ever made? The answer is my attorney’s bill. I was very lucky to score a private divorce lawyer who was actually concerned about me and my children. It cost more than anything I’ve ever paid forContinue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving - #NaBloPoMo

For Thanksgiving, I thought maybe you guys could use a few jokes… If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims! What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children? If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy! What should youContinue Reading

Vegas Baby! - #NaBloPoMo

I smooth my hands down my bedazzled corset, checking my lipstick and snapping my stockings in place. “They’ve started – let’s go!!” Stageside, the crew pin feathers atop my head.  Two boys in assless chaps lift me out to the stage. “Ride’em Cowboys!”   This is my twenty-sixth blog postContinue Reading